A Chat with Min. Lynnette Archer
“True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.” Helen Keller It gives me
It’s A Wonderful Life
During the Christmas season you’d often find me curled up in the front of the television with
A Chat with Alisa Hope Wagner
I’m so excited to introduce my talented friend Alisa Hope Wagner. I met Alisa almost twenty years
Surviving October
I’m glad October is over. For some reason October felt extra-long. It felt like I lived through
It’s a Book Launch! She Always Wore a Hat
I thought about having a book launch for my first book Becoming His Dream Girl, I even
Never a Butterfly…?
I was reading over a devotion I wrote, Life Lesson from a Caterpillar and I started to
Here’s what I’ve been up to…
A Short Update Hello Friend, Are you still there? I’ve neglected this space for a long time,