It’s a Book Launch! She Always Wore a Hat
I thought about having a book launch for my first book Becoming His Dream Girl, I even wrote out a plan but ultimately never did. By the time I published She Always Wore a Hat: A Portrait of Love Loss and Legacy I knew I wanted an official launch. I felt this book was deserving of special recognition. I call it my heart’s work…my memories of my mother.

When I decided to launch my book, I knew I wanted to have a small event in the Bahamas, with my family and friends. Logistically I knew it would be difficult since I now live in Texas. Nevertheless, I called my sister Stephanie and my sister of the heart Lynnette. Between the two of them they planned a beautiful book launch/signing for my book.

The above are just a few photos from She Always Wore a Hat book launch. My family and friends came together for a beautiful evening filled with laughter and joy. They made my dream of having an official launch for my book a reality.