Listen to the voice that tells you: You are enough

Do you ever hear voices in your head telling you everything you are not? Sometimes the voices are so loud You don’t know how to drown them out. They tell you: You are not pretty enough. You are not smart enough. You are not strong enough. You’re not good enough. The list goes on and on, but it comes down to one loud refrain, you are not enough. Consequently, if you continue to listen you may actually begin to believe what they say. Don’t believe them! You are enough!
A Word of Advice… Don’t agree with negative voices
You are God’s child. You were created in His image. There is nothing about you that is a mistake. Every part of you He lovingly crafted. He knows your strengths and your weaknesses. He knows every aspect of your personality, the parts you let others see and the part that only He sees. God doesn’t have a negative image of you in His mind. He sees you through the eyes of love. He doesn’t agree with the negative voices that want to beat you down and you shouldn’t either. Tell yourself that you are enough. Combat the negative voices with God’s word.
5 Verses to Remind you What God says about you

God says that…you are loved… John 3:16
God says that…you belong to Him…Isaiah 43:1
God says that…you are His masterpiece… Ephesians 2:10
God says that…you are the apple of his eye… Zechariah 2:8
God says that…you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus… 2 Corinthians 5:21
There will always be voices, whether inward or outward that tries to convince you that you are not enough. Don’t listen to them. Always remind yourself about what God says about you. Listen to His voice. He knows that you are on a journey of becoming and He will always look at you through eyes of love. His words will always build you up and never tear you down.
In my book Becoming His Dream Girl, you’ll also find constant reminders that you are beautiful in God’s eyes and you are enough. Be sure to purchase it on Amazon.
Such an encouraging post I am enough and that I should be listening to what God is saying about me and to me and not a bunch of negative voices and some times my own negative thoughts. Thanks for the reminder of how much God the Father loves me and He’s working on me and through me. He’s not done with me yet. Thank you Jesus.